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Transportation and Engineering
Transportation and Engineering
Title | Major Revision | Previous Schedules | Schedule Item | ||
Operation certification records, |
involving certification from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) |
CO2 670; MU1 608; MI1 536 | 1060 |
a: Operating certificate, application for certification and FAA inspection reports relating to certification, operational manual (including all updates): |
Airport security and safety records |
2020 (♦) |
CO2 671; MU1 609; MI1 537 | 1061 |
a: Security or safety inspection records, which contain non-routine information or indicate need for maintenance, repairs, or changes in airport operational policies: |
Airport tenant legal and reference files |
CO2 672; MU1 610; MI1 538 | 1062 |
a: Contract negotiations, contracts, leases and significant correspondence: |
Airport incident or accident reports |
CO2 673; MU1 611; MI1 539 | 1063 |
a: Incident data summary record recording incidents or accidents at airport: |
Accreditation records for airport personnel, |
accredited by American Association of Airports, Airports Council International, or other organization |
CO2 1004; MU1 901; MI1 860 | 1064 |
a: Accreditation records relating to individuals: |
Airline/airport schedule and usage records, |
such as those received from airlines or the FAA, including monthly reports, passenger counts, cargo and load records |
CO2 1005; MU1 902; MI1 861 | 1065 |
a: Summary records, and records containing information with fiscal or legal implications: |
Fuel (jet fuel and service vehicle fuel), de-icer or other chemical storage and dispensing records |
for airport |
CO2 1006; MU1 903; MI1 862 | 1066 |
a: Consumption and dispensing records for fuel, oil, or similar products used by service vehicles, equipment or airplanes: |
Title | Major Revision | Previous Schedules | Schedule Item | ||
Highway or other transportation structure maintenance and repair records |
covering routine maintenance and repair activities, tree cutting, and pavement marking: |
2020 (♦) |
CO2 675; MU1 613; MI1 541 | 1067 | |
Snow and ice removal records, |
including log or report of weather conditions: |
CO2 676; MU1 614; MI1 542 | 1068 | ||
Highway or transportation structure history file |
containing summary information on highways, roads, streets, bridges, elevated railways, overpasses, underpasses, culverts, and other structures, except records covering routine maintenance and repair activities |
CO2 677; MU1 615; MI1 543 | 1069 |
a: All records in file, except draft or intermediary records documenting other than significant changes and those closely duplicating other records in file: |
Project file for capital transportation improvement |
covering highways, roads, streets, bridges, other structures, parking lots and garages, and public transportation system improvements |
2020 (♦) |
CO2 678; MU1 616; MI1 544 | 1070 |
a: Feasibility studies; successful bids; plans, specifications and designs; project description; in-progress and completion photographs; inspection reports; environmental impact statement; annual project statement; fiscal and other final reports, and significant correspondence: |
Master summary record |
(index, log or register) of transportation improvement projects: |
CO2 679; MU1 617; MI1 545 | 1071 | ||
Official maps, plans, diagrams, drawings, photographs, surveys, engineering and survey notes, detailed specifications, profiles or cross-sections of highways, roads, streets, bridges, or other structures |
including indices or finding aids, when not relating to specific project design files, covered by item no. 1073, immediately below |
CO2 680; MU1 618; MI1 546 | 1072 |
a: Final or "as built" plans, maps, designs, sketches, architectural drawings and photographs, for significant highway or structure: |
Design file for capital transportation improvement project, |
including plans, maps, designs, sketches, designs, architectural drawings, and photographs for highways and other transportation structures maintained by local government |
CO2 1007; MU1 904; MI1 863 | 1073 |
a: Final or "as built" plans, maps, designs, sketches, architectural drawings and photographs, for significant highway or structure: |
Highway, road, street or transportation structure management automated maintenance, repair and inspection system records, |
also containing information such as on motor vehicle accidents, highway safety, highway-related permits, complaints and requests for service |
CO2 1008; MU1 905; MI1 864 | 1074 |
a: Detailed data file containing information such as on maintenance and repairs: |
Right-of-way records, |
including legal description of right-of-way, copies of deeds, maps and photographs: |
CO2 681; MU1 619; MI1 547 | 1075 | ||
Property acquisition records, |
documenting acquisition of real property obtained through eminent domain proceedings for transportation-related project, including record of public hearing, findings and determination, appraisal information, copy of court proceedings and correspondence: |
CO2 682; MU1 620; MI1 548 | 1076 | ||
Recommendation |
of Highway Superintendent or Commissioner of Public Works for expenditure of highway or road fund money: |
CO2 683; MU1 621; MI1 549 | 1077 | ||
Report or "inventory" |
received from and submitted to New York State Department of Transportation on status, mileage, improvements, or other characteristics of highways and bridges: |
CO2 684; MU1 622; MI1 550 | 1078 | ||
Complaint or request for service, |
including notification (including communication log and telephone call log) of unsafe, dangerous or defective condition of highway, street, road, bridge, sidewalk, or other capital improvement, including but not limited to inspection report and record of abatement of condition |
CO2 685; MU1 623; MI1 551 | 1079 |
a: Summary record (such as log or register) of complaints or requests: |
Transportation- or engineering-related reports, studies or data queries, |
including their supporting documentation, covering subjects such as traffic congestion studies, traffic safety studies, traffic sign or signal survey, speed limit change request, including but not limited to information gathering forms; copies of accident reports and court records; copies of maps, plans and surveys; and correspondence |
CO2 686; MU1 624; MI1 552 | 1080 |
a: Reports, studies or queries having legal or fiscal value: |
Traffic sign or signal erection, relocation, or removal records |
CO2 687; MU1 625; MI1 553 | 1081 |
a: Records relating to individual or group of interconnected signs or signals, such as authorization for actions taken, photographs, copies of accident reports, copies of maps and surveys, sketches and diagrams, traffic surveys and correspondence: |
Copies of motor vehicle accident reports |
received from law-enforcement or other government agency |
CO2 689; MU1 627; MI1 555 | 1082 |
a: Accident reports where design or maintenance of highway or structure is relevant to accident: |
Highway related permit file |
covering handling of oversized vehicles or equipment, or temporary barricading, obstruction, closing, excavation, construction or encroachment: |
CO2 690; MU1 628; MI1 556 | 1083 | ||
Public improvement permit file |
covering construction work which improves facilities benefiting the public: |
CO2 691; MU1 629; MI1 557 | 1084 | ||
Inspection records |
for bridges, elevated railways and similar structures: |
CO2 692; MU1 630; MI1 558 | 1085 | ||
Intergovernmental agreements, contracts or orders |
relative to highway maintenance, and sharing of equipment, materials or services: |
CO2 693; MU1 631; MI1 559 | 1086 | ||
Engineer's reference files, |
usually arranged by topic, name or number of road, or name of municipality or other government agency: |
CO2 694; MU1 632; MI1 560 | 1087 | ||
Parking lot or garage usage records |
2020 (♦) |
CO2 695; MU1 633; MI1 561 | 1088 |
a: Summary record of usage: |
Parking permit records, |
including handicapped parking |
2020 (♦) |
CO2 696; MU1 634; MI1 562 | 1089 |
a: Copies of permits, applications, and related records, when a fee is involved: |
Copies of highway, street, road or bridge records received from other governmental jurisdiction: |
CO2 697; MU1 906; MI1 865 | 1090 |
a: Where construction or maintenance of highway, street, road or bridge in question is responsibility of local government which receives the records, including instances where highways, streets or roads under separate jurisdictions abut: |
Child safety seat inspection records, |
including but not limited to requests for inspection, inspection reports and log or schedule of inspections performed: |
CO2 1009; MU1 907; MI1 866 | 1091 |
Title | Major Revision | Previous Schedules | Schedule Item | ||
Map, plan, schedule, diagram or sketch |
of entire system or specific branch or route providing information on stations, stops, dates of operation and times of arrival and departure |
CO2 698; MU1 635; MI1 563 | 1092 |
a: Final or "as built" copies of official maps, plans and designs showing system route and details of structures, along with draft or intermediary copies that document significant changes: |
Automated operational system |
used to monitor and schedule operation of public transportation passenger vehicles (busses and subway vehicles), including Supply Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) or equivalent system, used to monitor environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, air quality) in vehicles or various areas accessible to the public |
CO2 1010; MU1 908; MI1 867 | 1093 |
a: Detailed data file containing information such as on vehicle stops, usage, locations at specific times or intervals: |
System operational records of original entry |
created in non-automated system or used for data entry or verification, where significant information is data entered or posted to reports and other summary records (including but not limited to passenger counts, tickets, and stubs): |
CO2 699; MU1 636; MI1 564 | 1094 | ||
Operational reports and queries for public transportation system, |
including macros, queries and necessary documentation used in report and query generation |
CO2 1011; MU1 909; MI1 868 | 1095 |
a: Reports and queries dealing with serious incidents or problems, or major issues with long-term implications: |
Public transportation system alarm, problem and emergency records |
CO2 1012; MU1 910; MI1 869 | 1096 |
a: Narrative records documenting serious problems or emergencies, including data necessary to support such records: |
Bus driver's daily work or tour of duty report, |
reporting road failures and any defects noted, created pursuant to 17NYCRR Section 721.21 (b) |
CO2 1013; MU1 856; MI1 870 | 1097 |
a: If report indicates no maintenance problems, or when no significant work is performed and no funds expended: |
Public transportation safety plan files, |
covering plans submitted to New York State Department of Transportation pursuant to Part 975, 17NYCRR |
CO2 1014; MU1 911; MI1 871 | 1098 |
a: Copy of plan, including all amendments: |
Operational certification and review records |
relating to approval and inspection by New York State Department of Transportation |
CO2 700; MU1 637; MI1 565 | 1099 |
a: Operations review records: |
Special federal- or state-funded public transportation program records, |
covering Special Transportation Services for the Transportation Disabled, special mobility improvement projects related to transportation enhancements within the Metropolitan Commuter Transportation District, and Rural Public Transportation Assistance Program |
CO2 1015; MU1 912; MI1 872 | 1100 |
a: Service plans (including all amendments), final or annual reports, results of audits and reviews, and related policies and procedures, including eligibility requirements and documentation of provider or services coordinator selection: |
Commuter traffic reduction program records, |
covering Employee Commute Option (ECO), Transportation Demand Management (TDM), or similar program records |
CO2 1016; MU1 857; MI1 873 | 1101 |
a: Compliance plan (initial or consolidated), including but not limited to such records as worksite profile, survey results, average passenger occupancy (APO) calculations, forecasted participation, summary of trip reduction strategies, list of worksites and implementation schedule, and also covering revisions and updates, including records relating to agency review, approval, disapproval and appeal (copies maintained by local government acting as Local Administrative Agency): |
Special public transportation related studies, |
covering subjects such as commuter parking, car pooling, bicycle paths, bicycle lanes, and bus route changes |
CO2 1017; MU1 913; MI1 874 | 1102 |
a: Final reports, including all attachments: |
Special bus trip records |
covering trips conducted outside normal public transportation schedule, such as "curb-to-curb" handicapped vehicle use; transportation provided by aging, youth, veterans' and other specialized services; and trips to special events; and including applications for service, lists of attendees, trip reports, and records of fees collected: |
CO2 1018; MU1 914; MI1 875 | 1103 | ||
Predecessor public transportation company records, |
covering private bus companies, trolley, horse-car railroad, or turnpike companies, held by successor local government agency: |
CO2 1019; MU1 915; MI1 876 | 1104 | ||
Annual affidavit of compliance |
submitted to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles certifying compliance with requirements for bus drivers as indicated in Article 19-A of Vehicle and Traffic Law, including accompanying annual statistical report on miles traveled by buses, driver convictions and accidents, and related information: |
CO2 1064; MI1 915 | 1105 |
Title | Major Revision | Previous Schedules | Schedule Item | |
Copies of, applications for, or canceled or validated tickets or pass books: |
CO2 701; MU1 638; MI1 566 | 1106 | |
Cumulative record or sale or issuance of toll books, tickets, or passes: |
CO2 702; MU1 639; MI1 567 | 1107 | |
Traffic or usage counts |
for toll bridge or toll road: |
CO2 703; MU1 640; MI1 568 | 1108 | |
Operational log |
for toll bridge or toll road: |
CO2 704; MU1 641; MI1 569 | 1109 |