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About Us
Welcome to the New York State Archives! Whether you are a creator of records, a researcher, educator, or everyday citizen who needs assistance with the materials that document your community, our wide range of programs and resources are intended to serve you and the future generations of New Yorkers who rely on us to protect and maintain our documentary heritage.
For New York State Agencies
The State Archives is responsible for authorizing retention and disposition of government records, identifying records of enduring value for transfer to the Archives for preservation and operating the State Records Center for low-cost storage of inactive records.

For New York Local Governments
The State Archives provides records retention and disposition guidance for local government records and as well as a comprehensive program of training, technical assistance and grants to support the nearly 4,500 counties, cities, towns, villages, school districts and other local governments across New York.
For Non-Government Archives
The State Archives provides technical assistance, training and grants to non-government repositories that preserve historical materials through our Documentary Heritage Program and Documentary Heritage and Preservation Services for New York (DHPSNY).
For Researchers
We preserve and make accessible over 270 million records from New York’s colonial and state governments, dating from 1630 to the present. Our online access tools help researchers locate and explore the entire collection. Our online digital collection contains thousands of items ranging from photographs, to maps, to one-of-a-kind documents.
For Educators
Consider the Source New York provides a provides primary source documents and support materials to make historical records accessible to teachers and students. Our annual Student Research Awards gives students an incentive to hone their research skills and learn valuable lessons using primary sources.