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From the State Archivist

My name is Brian Keough, and on August 1, 2024, the New York State Board of Regents appointed me as the 6th Archivist of New York State. As the Assistant Commissioner leading the New York State Archives, it is an honor and privilege to serve the people of New York State and to continue the tradition of strong leadership within the local, state, and national archival and history community. The State Archives staff works tirelessly to preserve and provide access to more than 270 million colonial and state government records and conduct related programs and services to state agencies, local governments, non-government historical records repositories, community organizations, and individuals.

Brian Keough, New York State Archivist

Through our Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund and Documentary Heritage Program, the State Archives provides grants to municipalities and historical records repositories to ensure that the history of all New Yorkers is collected and saved for future generations.

I also serve as the Executive Officer of the New York State Archives Partnership Trust (APT), a not-for-profit established to support the teaching and research about New York State History. APT’s Consider the Source Online: Teaching With Historical Records connects educators to valuable primary sources materials with a series of highly-engaging learning activities. The APT publishes New York Archives magazine that tells the stories of the events and people that populate the historical narrative of New York State.

Prior to becoming New York State Archivist, I served in cultural heritage and records management leadership roles. For nearly 25 years, I served as the M.E. Grenander Head of Special Collections and Archives at the University at Albany. I have also taught courses and moderated numerous presentations and seminars for the University at Albany. For over two decades, I have consulted and advised numerous local governments and municipalities to develop plans for managing their records.

A native of the Philadelphia region, I hold a B.A. in History from West Chester University (PA), a Master of Science in Information Science and Master of Arts in History from the University at Albany, SUNY. I am nearing the completion of my PhD dissertation in American History. My dissertation focuses on the history of affordable housing politics in New York State.

My passion is for history and primary source research and telling the story of all of the people who live in New York State. I look forward to serving everyone to the best of my abilities.