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Highways, State Commission of

The State Defense Council was created by Chapter 369 of the Laws of 1917. Its responsibilities included making "all investigations and plans for efficient coordination and cooperation of the military, industrial, agricultural and commercial resources of the state in time of war". It was charged with the "creation of relations which render possible immediate concentration and utilization of state resources for military purposes".

Water Power Commission

The New York Water Power Commission was created by Chapter 579, Laws of 1921, which added Article 10-A, Water Power, to the Conservation Law. The Commission was comprised of the Conservation Commissioner (chair), State Engineer, and Surveyor, Attorney-General, President Pro Tem of the Senate, and Speaker of the Assembly. The Commission was directed to investigate the state's developed and undeveloped water power resources and sites. It was enpowered to issue licenses authorizing the diversion and use for power or other purposes of state waters.

Court of Claims

The Court is a constitutional court of record with jurisdiction to hear and determine claims against the State or by the State against the claimant or between conflicting claimants, as the Legislature may provide. The Legislature may increase or decrease the number of judges. The Clerk of the Court is appointed and may be removed by the Court. A constitutional amendment approved by the electorate Nov.

Court of Assizes

The distinction between courts of law and courts of equity was unknown in New Netherland where Dutch-Roman law prevailed. After the English conquest the first court to exercise equity jurisdiction in New York was the Court of Assizes. This court was established in 1664 under the authority of the Duke of York, proprietor of the colony. Equity jurisdiction was conferred upon the court by a 1665 amendment to the Duke's Laws which established the government of the colony.

Joint Legislative Committee on Housing

The New York State Legislature established the Joint Legislative Committee on Housing to investigate all possible causes of the post-World War I housing shortage. Appointed in May 1919, the Committee (known as the Lockwood Committee) was chaired by Senator Charles C. Lockwood, a three-term Republican from Brooklyn. The committee was assigned to examine the causes for lack of construction of new housing; the increases in rents; possible combinations in building supply and labor; shortcomings of housing financiers; and any other issues related to providing housing.

Probation and Correctional Alternatives, Division of

In 1901 (Chapter 372), the legislature passed the State's first probation law, which provided for the appointment of probation officers by justices of various courts. In 1907, a State Probation Commission was established (Chapter 430) to supervise the work of all probation officers. During the reorganization of State government in 1925-26, this commission was continued as head of the Division of Probation within the Department of Correction.

Law Reporting Bureau

Official law reporting in New York State dates from 1804, when the Supreme Court was authorized by Chapter 68, Laws of 1804, to appoint a reporter of its decisions. With various changes, reflecting alterations in the State's judicial system, official reporting has had a continuous existence since that time, and is now carried on by the State Law Reporting Bureau which, in its present form, was created by legislative act, Chapter 494, Laws of 1938, enacting Article 14 of the Judiciary Law. The bureau is under the direction of a State Reporter, appointed by the Court of Appeals.

Constitutional Convention, 1915

The New York State Constitution of 1894 (Article 14, Section 2) required the submission in 1916 to voters of the question of whether to hold a constitutional convention to revise and amend the Constitution. The Legislature subsequently voted (Laws of 1913, Chapter 819) to move up this election to April 7, 1914. In this election, the state's voters agreed to hold a constitutional convention in 1915. In preparation for this Convention, the Legislature established a Constitutional Convention Commission (Laws of 1914, Chapter 261).

Factory Investigating Commission

The Factory Investigating Commission was established by an act of the legislature in 1911 (Ch. 561) as a reaction to the March 25 fire at a Manhattan shirt factory. 146 employees of the Triangle Waist Company, mostly women and girls, were killed as a result of the fire. An investigation followed immediately and revealed unsafe and unhealthy conditions in numerous factories, including lack of fire prevention and escapes and inadequate sanitary conditions.
