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Water Power Commission

The New York Water Power Commission was created by Chapter 579, Laws of 1921, which added Article 10-A, Water Power, to the Conservation Law. The Commission was comprised of the Conservation Commissioner (chair), State Engineer, and Surveyor, Attorney-General, President Pro Tem of the Senate, and Speaker of the Assembly. The Commission was directed to investigate the state's developed and undeveloped water power resources and sites. It was enpowered to issue licenses authorizing the diversion and use for power or other purposes of state waters. Applicants for licenses were to submit to the Commission a written application and plans and specifications showing the nature and extent of development planned. The Commission would grant a license to the applicant whose plans could most effectively be implemented to develop the water power site covered by the application. The Water Power Act was amended by Laws of 1922, chapter 242, conferring upon the Public Service Commission authority to regulate, control the use and distribution of, and fix reasonable rates for power generated by any licensee. A law of 1926 (Chapter 619) amended the State Departments Law (Chapter 78 of the Consolidated Laws), adding Article VIII and establishing the Conservation Department. The new Department included a Water Power and Control Division. The Water Control Commission was abolished and its powers and duties transferred to the new Water Power and Control Commission, which was to head the Water Power and Control Division and was comprised of the Conservation Commissioner (chair), Attorney-General, and Superintendent of Public Works.

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