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Where can I make a public presentation?

A public presentation may be made at any academic conference or forum. The annual conference on New York State history is:

Researching New York History Conference held annually in November. The conference is sponsored by The Department of History and the History Graduate Student Organization, University at Albany, SUNY. For more information contact: Department of History, University at Albany - SUNY, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222; (518) 442-4488;

If my project is selected for an award, when should I expect to receive payment?

All awardees who are U.S. citizens or legal residents will receive a $250 award plus support for eligible  travel-related expenses. Typically, award recipients must submit a start of residency form and the first half payment voucher when they arrive at the New York State Archives to initiate payment. The second half of the award, including the $250 stipend, will be paid upon completion of the research visit, submission of the Resident's Final Report (questionnaire and narrative), and receipt and acceptance of the Final Report.
