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Constitutions and Constitutional Conventions

The holdings of the New York State Archives documenting the development of the state constitution prior to 1900 are generally limited to engrossed copies of proposed or adopted versions.  However, post-1900 holdings include administrative and financial records of conventions, published reports, transcripts of proceedings, and records of individual convention committees.

New York State Constitutions and Constitutional Conventions from 1777 to 1965

Land Records

The New York State Archives holds numerous records documenting title to real property in New York. The records range in date from the Dutch colonial period to the near present. Practically all of the records dating after the early nineteenth century concern real property acquired or disposed by the State of New York. However, many of the earlier records document conveyances of real property from colonial authorities to private individuals and between private persons.

Selected New Accessions, January 2018

Agency Title Accession Quantity
Department of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics Annual Financial Reports of School Districts, BOCES, Community Colleges, Libraries, and Vocational Extension Boards, 2006-2013 11166-18 47 cubic feet

Court Records in the State Archives

The New York State Archives holds over 10,000 cubic feet of records of trial and appellate courts, dating from the 1660s to the 1990s. The State Archives holds almost all surviving records of trial and appellate courts exercising jurisdiction throughout the colony and state of New York during the period 1665-1847. The State Archives acquires post-1847 records of certain appellate courts, including the State Court of Appeals and to a lesser extent, the Second (Brooklyn) and Third (Albany) Departments of the Supreme Court Appellate Division.
