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Highlights on the 30th Anniversary of the LGRMIF
April 30, 1989: Legislative bill for LGRMIF received by NYS governor.
May 1, 1989: NYS governor signs LGRMIF bill.
August 29, 1989: The LGRMIF officially becomes law.
1990/1991: First LGRMIF grant cycle.
1990/1991: Original categories to apply for: Inventory/Planning, Microfilm, Technology, Inactive Records, Archival Program, and Disaster Recovery.
1992/1993: Research and Development category added to grant.
1994/1995: Introduction of Complex project type (joins Individual and Cooperative)
1995/1996: First mention of Special Purpose Grants; includes Disaster Recovery and introduces idea of "Special Initiatives" category.
1996/1997: Applicants applying for first-time inventory/planning grant included in priority funding.
1997/1998: Addition of new category: Active Records.
1999/2000: New category introduced: Records Creation and System Design. Technology category eliminated. Total available funding for complex grants raised to $750,000 from $500,000.
2000/2001: Available funding per project raised to $75,000 for individual grants, $100,000 for cooperative grants, and $125,000 for complex grants.
2001/2002: First year that series descriptions and guides from Archival Records category are required to be made available electronically via Internet or NYSA's Historic Documents Inventory.
2002/2003: Category titles and activities revised to provide more clarity; e.g. Archival Records renamed Historical Records.
June 2004: Successful campaign to save LGRMIF from expiring by eliminating the original Sunset Provision.
2004/2005: Microfilming removed as separate category and absorbed by Inactive Records and Historical Records.
2006/2007: New funding priority: Electronic information technology projects that increase access to records.
2007/2008: Addition of 3-year County Land Records Initiative to Active Records category. Projects that inventory electronic records & then implement recommendations identified as priority for funding. Microfilming once again becomes separate category.
2009/2010: Elimination of Complex type of grant application.
2010/2011: Introduction of eGrants portal. Re-focused LGRMIF fundable projects to "only those having records management as their primary purpose". Expiration of County Land Records Initiative. Renaming of microfilming category to "Document Conversion & Access". Disaster management made a priority by introducing its own category.
2011/2012: All grant applications required to be submitted electronically. Introduction of Shared Services as a grant type.
2012/2013: Shared Services identified as high priority.
2013/2014: Cooperative application type eliminated, leaving Individual and Shared Services as the two main grant types.
2014/2015: Introduction of Demonstration grant type. All applicants required to comply with Minorities and Women in Business Enterprise (M/WBE) program.
2015/2016: First year for applications to be reviewed by grant type instead of project category.
2018/2019: Records Management Application projects and Records-Lifecycle Management of Electronic Mail planning projects no longer eligible for funding under Demonstration grant type.