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Purchased Services (Code 40)
Identify the type of service by general category (such as training, software installation, rentals), and provide the total expenditure for each. Indicate the number of days or hours a consultant will work, multiplied by a daily or hourly fee. List purchased services from a BOCES under Code 49.
Eligible Expenditures
- Consultant work, such as staff training, the preparation of records management needs assessments (for inactive and historical records projects only), and the development of records management policies and procedures
- Production of manuals, finding aids, teaching guides, or other publications directly related to the project
- Contractual services such as imaging, microfilming, system and application design, shredding, and software and hardware installation
Ineligible Expenditures
- Consultant fees paid to an employee of a local government
- Consultant fees for developing a needs assessment for the implementation of new technology or for conducting a business process analysis
- Technical support fees for software and electronic systems; rental fees or leases for equipment, records storage space, and server space; fees for web and data hosting services; and fees for equipment warranties
- Ongoing operational expenses, such as routine repairs, building maintenance, magazine subscriptions, membership fees, and systems maintenance
- Hiring a grant writer
Note: According to SED’s Fiscal Guidelines for Federal and State Funded Grants, where there exists an employer-employee relationship between the local agency and project personnel, such personnel should not be budgeted as consultants; they must be listed in code 15/Professional Salaries or code 16/Support Staff Salaries, as appropriate. The existence of an employer-employee relationship is determined by the degree of control exercised by the employer. An employee is usually trained by the employer, is directed in how work is to be performed, and has a continuing work relationship with the employer. An independent consultant decides when, where, and how the work is to be performed, is paid according to an agreed-upon (contract) performance or result of work and is free to contract with work for others. Individuals listed under code 15/Professional Salaries or code 16/Support Staff Salaries are considered to be local government employees and may not also be listed under code 40/Purchased Services.