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LGRMIF Eligible and Ineligible Expenditures
Welcome! You have reached the home page for the list of LGRMIF Eligible and Ineligible Expenditures. You can access the Eligible and Ineligible Expenditures for each budget code by clicking on the appropriate link in the left-hand menu. For each budget code that is applicable to your proposed project, enter all relevant information in your eGrants application online.
Be sure you review these lists before making any entries in your Project Budget. Pay particular attention to the Ineligible Expenditures for each budget code in which you are requesting funds, and check that all eligible expenses you request are entered in the correct budget codes.
In your eGrants application, do not include your local government’s contributions in the Project Budget. Include this information in the Project Narrative.
For questions, contact your NYS Archives Records Advisory Officer (RAO) or e-mail the Grants Unit at