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Disaster Management

If you have just experienced a records disaster:  
Please contact the State Archives for help at, or call us at (518) 474-6926. We will respond as soon as possible.   
Contact theAIC National Heritage Responders 24/7 Disaster Hotline at (202) 661-8068. 

Disaster Planning

Image. Staff assessing damaged records

The State Archives can assist you in preparing for disasters in order to safeguard your records. The Archives provides information on emergency preparedness, developing records disaster plans, gathering equipment and materials to protect records, identifying your organization's priority records, and attending disaster planning training. There are also grants available to local governments to assist them in developing disaster management plans.  Visit our Disaster Planning page for more detailed information.

Disaster Recovery

The Archives can advise you on responding to a disaster. The Archives provides information on all aspects of recovery and salvage including gathering or purchasing equipment and materials for disaster remediation, contacting disaster recovery vendors, salvaging your records and collections, destroying damaged records, and applying for disaster assistance and recovery grants.  Visit our Disaster Recovery page for more information.