State Archives Services and Funding
Technical Advice for Protecting Damaged Records
Disaster Recovery Grants
Disaster Recovery Vendors
Consult the list of Disaster Recovery Vendors maintained by the State Archives.
If you have experienced a records disaster, contact the State Archives for help at We will respond as soon as possible. Local governments should also immediately contact their Records Advisory Officer.
Consult the list of Disaster Recovery Vendors maintained by the State Archives.
You can find more information about Disaster Recovery in the following publications:
The Northeast Document Conservation Center provides 24-hour phone assistance at (978) 470-1010 as well as emergency management leaflets and other disaster assistance resources.
Heritage Preservation prepared a Guide to Navigating Federal Emergency Management Agency and Small Business Administration Disaster Aid for Cultural Institutions which provides general information to those seeking federal funding for disaster response and recovery.
The NYS Office of Emergency Management (OEM) will temporarily lend, to local governments and state agencies, equipment needed primarily for drought relief, flooding, and emergency power and light generation. Available for loan are power generators; pumps, piping, and water filters; potable water tankers; portable light towers; chainsaws; chlorinators; and sandbag-filling machines.
The NYS Department of Labor’s Division of Safety and Health (DOSH) provides technical assistance and resources to state and local emergency response agencies to protect first responders from health and safety risks. For more information, contact DOSH at (518) 457-2574.
AIC has various guides dealing with disaster preparedness and response. AIC also holds materials from Heritage Preservation, including a Field Guide to Emergency Response.
The National Archives maintains a webpage covering salvage procedures for a variety of materials. They also maintain a page devoted to water damaged family papers.
The Alliance for Response New York City and the Capital Region Alliance for Response will provide local assistance with disaster response.