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Index to the New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Ordinances

This series consists of ordinances, laws, and regulations enacted by the Council of the Colony of New York to govern and maintain order in the communities of New Netherland. The records, written in the Dutch language, address personal behavior; community standards in such areas as fire prevention, construction, and real estate; and commercial matters like customs, sales, licensing, fees and taxes on goods and services, tobacco, liquor, livestock, currency, ships and shipping, farming, and trapping.

Date Inclusive: 

Series Number:  A1875

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z                                             Return to the Name Index page

Last Name First Name Role Series Number Location Dates For more information Digitized Document
Aertsen Slechtenhorst Brant Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0027 Document July 1 1652
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Chambers Thomas Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0027 Document July 1 1652
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Crieger Marten Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0057 Document March 10 1655
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de Foreest Isaacq Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0057 Document March 10 1655
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Dijck Van Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0006 Document July 1 1647
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d’Keyser Adriaen Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0010b Document January 28 1648
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Gerritsen Wolphert Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0027 Document July 1 1652
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Hall Tomas Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0010b Document January 28 1648
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Homs Gorge Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0057 Document March 10 1655
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Hudde Anderies Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0027 Document July 1 1652
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Kieft Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0026b Document June 27 1652
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Kiersteede Hans Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0084 Document September 13 1656
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Krieger Marten Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0010b Document January 28 1648
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Leendersen Paulus Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0009 Document July 25 1647
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Loockermans Govert Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0027 Document July 1 1652
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Montagne La Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0057 Document March 10 1655
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Montange La Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0057 Document March 10 1655
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Nuton Brian Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0057 Document March 10 1655
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Pietersen Jochem Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0135 Document March 4 1658
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Sille De Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0057 Document March 10 1655
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Stuyvesant Petrus Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0009 Document July 25 1647
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Stuyvesant Petrus Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0011 Document March 10 1648
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Stuyvesant Petrus Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0014b Document April 29 1648
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Stuyvesant Petrus Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0005 Document May 31 1647
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Theunissen Jan Mentioned A1875 Volume 16, pt1_0103 Document January 1657
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