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Archived Websites of Defunct State Government Bodies
State commissions, authorities, and other government bodies are sometimes merged with other entities or simply phased out of existence. The State Archives and State Library archive the Websites of such organizations before they cease to exist and their sites vanish from the live Web.
Access Problems Affecting All Archived Websites
When you visit these archived sites, keep in mind that some types of site content cannot be archived properly:
- External hyperlinks (links to content on sites other than the archived site)
- Information that can be accessed only after the user completes a form
- Most audiovisual materials
- Some advanced Web formatting and design elements, including external stylesheets and some types of Javascript
Additional access problems specific to each site are noted below.
State Northeastern Queens Nature and Historical Preserve Commission (SNEQ)
- Created by statute in 1973
- Empowered to establish rules, regulations, and procedures relating to the reasonable use and development of the lands within the publicly owned lands and wetlands within the County of Queens
- All powers and duties transferred to the State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Conservation upon adoption of the 2009-2010 State Budget
Web site
- Captured by State Archives and the State Library on April 2, 2009
- Contains photos and other material documenting the work of the commission
- Has no known access problems
Temporary State Commission of Investigation (SCI)
- Created in 1958 by Governor Thomas E. Dewey
- Had the power to investigate “any matter concerning the public peace, public safety and public justice”
- Focused on corruption, fraud, organized crime, racketeering, money laundering, and the conduct of State and local government officials and employees
- Phased out of existence on April 1, 2009
Web site
- Contains annual reports (1989, 1992-1994, 1996-2008), reports of individual investigations, (1965, 1992, 1995, 1998-2009), and other materials documenting the commission’s history and activities
- Captured by the State Archives and the State Library on April 2, 2009.
- Known access problems
- Links to press releases do not work
- You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 or higher to access PDF files included in this site
- Images in the “banner” at the top of each page do not display properly
Temporary State Commission on Lobbying (TSCOL)
- Created in 1977
- Monitored individuals and organizations seeking to influence State legislation, rules, regulations, and rate-making actions or local laws, ordinances, and regulations
- Authorized to conduct investigations and random audits, administer oaths or affirmations, subpoena witnesses, and require production of books or records
- Ceased to exist on September 22, 2007, when its powers, duties, functions, and staff were transferred to the new State Commission on Public Integrity
Web site
- Includes advisory opinions (1978-2005), 2006 annual report, State Lobbying Act guidelines, citizen’s guides, and other materials documenting the commission’s work
- Captured by the State Archives and the State Library on September 23, 2007
- Known access problems
- Lobby Tracker and Procurement Tracker links on the home page do not work
- The For State Agency Only page cannot be accessed
- Links to audio and video content do not work
- Images in the “banner” at the top of each page do not display properly