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Index to the Coxsackie Correctional Facility inmate case files

Coxsackie Correctional Facility, located in Greene County, N.Y., is a maximum security correctional facility for male felons. Inmate case files describe in great detail the family and social background, arrest, confinement, and release/parole of incarcerated men.

Dates: 1930-1992

Series: W0061

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z                                             Return to the Name Index page

Last Name First Name Role Organization Dates Accretion Number Number Type Location For more information Notation
Kennedy Sidney Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 03-10-1924
Release 09-14-1942
W0061-88C 3431 Consecutive Box 148 Email Researcher Services at
Kennerly Roy Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-05-1927
Release 10-15-1945
W0061-88C 4414 Consecutive Box 175 Email Researcher Services at
Kent Leland Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 07-17-1933
Release 07-20-1953
W0061-88C 8322 Consecutive Box 315 Email Researcher Services at
Kentris Donald Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 05-07-1927
Release 07-06-1944
W0061-88C 4324 Consecutive Box 173 Email Researcher Services at
Keriwick James Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 01-15-1923
Release 05-06-1942
W0061-88C 2321 Consecutive Box 104 Email Researcher Services at
Kerling Lowell H. Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-13-1920
Release 10-08-1940
W0061-88C 2217 Consecutive Box 100 Email Researcher Services at
Kern George Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-11-1932
Release 03-13-1951
W0061-88C 6917 Consecutive Box 262 Email Researcher Services at
Kessel John Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-10-1930
Release 06-03-1948
W0061-88C 5288 Consecutive Box 201 Email Researcher Services at
Kesselback George Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-05-1929
Release 08-11-1949
W0061-88C 6565 Consecutive Box 247 Email Researcher Services at
Kessler Anthony Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 07-01-1932
Release 07-20-1950
W0061-88C 6807 Consecutive Box 258 Email Researcher Services at
Kessler Howard W. Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-16-1930
Release 10-25-1949
W0061-88C 6492 Consecutive Box 244 Email Researcher Services at
Kessler Henry Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-26-1921
Release 03-18-1940
W0061-88C 1908 Consecutive Box 87 Email Researcher Services at
Kevern William Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-26-1924
Release 05-29-1944
W0061-88C 3104 Consecutive Box 136 Email Researcher Services at
Keys John Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 05-13-1923
Release 05-06-1941
W0061-88C 2507 Consecutive Box 112 Email Researcher Services at
Kidwell Donald Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 01-23-1930
Release 10-20-1947
W0061-88C 5842 Consecutive Box 219 Email Researcher Services at
Kilgore Melvin Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 03-08-1924
W0061-88C 3122 Consecutive Box 137 Email Researcher Services at
Kilts Burton Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-02-1920
W0061-88C 902 Consecutive Box 43 Email Researcher Services at
Kilvington George Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 05-10-1930
Release 01-20-1951
W0061-88C 6517 Consecutive Box 245 Email Researcher Services at
Kimbiz Peter Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-06-1918
W0061-88C 860 Consecutive Box 42 Email Researcher Services at
Kimble Felton Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-15-1922
Release 03-07-1941
W0061-88C 2024 Consecutive Box 92 Email Researcher Services at
King Walter Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-28-1929
Release 02-16-1949
W0061-88C 6417 Consecutive Box 241 Email Researcher Services at
King Augustus Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-27-1921
Release 12-08-1938
W0061-88C 1189 Consecutive Box 57 Email Researcher Services at
King Donald Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-14-1931
Release 02-18-1952
W0061-88C 7012 Consecutive Box 267 Email Researcher Services at
King Edward Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 03-01-1925
W0061-88C 3834 Consecutive Box 161 Email Researcher Services at
King Walter Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-01-1925
Release 03-04-1943
W0061-88C 3449 Consecutive Box 149 Email Researcher Services at
King Harold Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 07-13-1932
Release 01-18-1950
W0061-88C 6979 Consecutive Box 265 Email Researcher Services at
Kinney Clarence Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 03-11-1923
W0061-88C 2146 Consecutive Box 97 Email Researcher Services at
Kinney Andrew Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-09-1923
Release 07-02-1941
W0061-88C 2571 Consecutive Box 115 Email Researcher Services at
Kinsella Stephen Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-11-1932
Release 06-10-1952
W0061-88C 7862 Consecutive Box 299 Email Researcher Services at
Kirchner Louis Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-09-1922
W0061-88C 1958 Consecutive Box 90 Email Researcher Services at
Kirk Thomas Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-23-1919
Release 05-31-1938
W0061-88C 1486 Consecutive Box 69 Email Researcher Services at
Kirksey Booker Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 05-07-1927
Release 04-16-1946
W0061-88C 4596 Consecutive Box 180 Email Researcher Services at
Kish Eugene Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-25-1921
Release 03-25-1939
W0061-88C 1369 Consecutive Box 65 Email Researcher Services at
Kishlicky Mike Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 06-17-1922
Release 09-03-1940
W0061-88C 2028 Consecutive Box 92 Email Researcher Services at
Kitt Franklin Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 01-12-1926
W0061-88C 3558 Consecutive Box 153 Email Researcher Services at
Kittinger Douglas Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-16-1939
Release 10-28-1957
W0061-88C 10073 Consecutive Box 379 Email Researcher Services at
Kittinger Charles Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-24-1922
Release 11-30-1940
W0061-88C 2289 Consecutive Box 103 Email Researcher Services at
Kiukowski Anthony Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-27-1919
W0061-88C 688 Consecutive Box 33 Email Researcher Services at
Klatsky Bernard Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-09-1919
W0061-88C 1818 Consecutive Box 84 Email Researcher Services at
Klatt James Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 09-04-1927
Release 04-25-1945
W0061-88C 4329 Consecutive Box 173 Email Researcher Services at
Kleinfelder Jack Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-17-1920
Release 08-23-1939
W0061-88C 1577 Consecutive Box 73 Email Researcher Services at
Kleitgen William Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-29-1922
Release 06-27-1940
W0061-88C 2085 Consecutive Box 95 Email Researcher Services at
Klier Thomas Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 03-20-1938
Release 06-05-1956
W0061-88C 10017 Consecutive Box 376 Email Researcher Services at
Klocek Michael Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-04-1939
Release 03-06-1959
W0061-88C 10328 Consecutive Box 391 Email Researcher Services at
Klock Thomas Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-08-1922
W0061-88C 1873 Consecutive Box 86 Email Researcher Services at
Kloppenborg Robert Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 05-11-1927
Release 02-13-1946
W0061-88C 4702 Consecutive Box 183 Email Researcher Services at
Klos Henry Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 06-15-1913
Release 08-17-1949
W0061-88C 6411 Consecutive Box 241 Email Researcher Services at
Kluczynski Joseph Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-07-1922
Release 12-29-1939
W0061-88C 2219 Consecutive Box 100 Email Researcher Services at
Klynshym Peter Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 07-10-1921
Release 05-18-1939
W0061-88C 1500 Consecutive Box 70 Email Researcher Services at
Knapick Charles Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 03-02-1926
Release 02-17-1944
W0061-88C 3743 Consecutive Box 158 Email Researcher Services at
