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Index to the Coxsackie Correctional Facility inmate case files

Coxsackie Correctional Facility, located in Greene County, N.Y., is a maximum security correctional facility for male felons. Inmate case files describe in great detail the family and social background, arrest, confinement, and release/parole of incarcerated men.

Dates: 1930-1992

Series: W0061

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z                                             Return to the Name Index page

Last Name First Name Role Organization Dates Accretion Number Number Type Location For more information Notation
Jardinie Theodore Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 05-22-1919
W0061-88C 492 Consecutive Box 23 Email Researcher Services at
Jaronczyk Peter Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 09-16-1929
Release 02-09-1948
W0061-88C 5994 Consecutive Box 224 Email Researcher Services at
Jarosz William Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-16-1918
W0061-88C 127 Consecutive Box 6 Email Researcher Services at
Jarowszewski Chester Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-27-1920
W0061-88C 594 Consecutive Box 28 Email Researcher Services at
Jarrells Marvin Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-14-1925
Release 06-24-1943
W0061-88C 3369 Consecutive Box 146 Email Researcher Services at
Jarvis Bernard E. Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-19-1922
Release 04-10-1941
W0061-88C 2462 Consecutive Box 110 Email Researcher Services at
Jefferson Henry Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-16-1925
Release 09-14-1943
W0061-88C 3590 Consecutive Box 154 Email Researcher Services at
Jefferson Robert Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-11-1924
W0061-88C 2766 Consecutive Box 123 Email Researcher Services at
Jefferson James E. Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-23-1927
Release 06-14-1948
W0061-88C 5841 Consecutive Box 219 Email Researcher Services at
Jenkins Nathaniel Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 01-04-1929
Release 08-12-1946
W0061-88C 5042 Consecutive Box 193 Email Researcher Services at
Jenkins Raymond Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 09-26-1920
W0061-88C 894 Consecutive Box 43 Email Researcher Services at
Jenkins Richard Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-11-1926
W0061-88C 3941 Consecutive Box 164 Email Researcher Services at
Jenkins Norman Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-07-1929
Release 04-08-1948
W0061-88C 5631 Consecutive Box 212 Email Researcher Services at
Jenkins George Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-19-1931
Release 11-10-1951
W0061-88C 6910 Consecutive Box 262 Email Researcher Services at
Jenks Barton Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 07-26-1919
W0061-88C 382 Consecutive Box 18 Email Researcher Services at
Jenney Bert Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 09-02-1935
Release 04-29-19536
W0061-88C 8339 Consecutive Box 315 Email Researcher Services at
Jennings John Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 06-21-1927
Release 10-21-1947
W0061-88C 5673 Consecutive Box 213 Email Researcher Services at
Jennings James Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Release 08-09-1946
W0061-88C 4022 Consecutive Box 166 Email Researcher Services at
Jennings Eugene Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-01-1928
Release 09-24-1948
W0061-88C 5139 Consecutive Box 196 Email Researcher Services at
Jennison Edward Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 01-28-1925
W0061-88C 3831 Consecutive Box 161 Email Researcher Services at
Jensen Hans B. Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 01-13-1924
Release 04-30-1942
W0061-88C 3246 Consecutive Box 142 Email Researcher Services at
Jensen Louis Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-12-1929
Release 05-05-1947
W0061-88C 5337 Consecutive Box 202 Email Researcher Services at
Jensen David Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-12-1934
Release 10-16-1952
W0061-88C 7938 Consecutive Box 302 Email Researcher Services at
Jentz Henry Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-11-1928
Release 10-30-1946
W0061-88C 4708 Consecutive Box 183 Email Researcher Services at
Jerry Hugh Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-08-1923
W0061-88C 2620 Consecutive Box 117 Email Researcher Services at
Jesky Fred Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 05-28-1937
Release 02-09-1956
W0061-88C 9661 Consecutive Box 360 Email Researcher Services at
Jetter Charles Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 03-06-1925
Release 04-27-1943
W0061-88C 3570 Consecutive Box 153 Email Researcher Services at
Jeziorski Arthur Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 07-29-1919
Release 05-13-1938
W0061-88C 642 Consecutive Box 31 Email Researcher Services at
Jimerson Eli Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 03-02-1922
Release 06-13-1941
W0061-88C 2519 Consecutive Box 113 Email Researcher Services at
Joachin Fred Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 09-20-1920
Release 07-23-1938
W0061-88C 983 Consecutive Box 47 Email Researcher Services at
Jochen Ronald Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-08-1933
Release 02-19-1953
W0061-88C 7658 Consecutive Box 291 Email Researcher Services at
Jock Gerald Paul Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-27-1928
Release 01-15-1947
W0061-88C 5354 Consecutive Box 203 Email Researcher Services at
Joerger William H. Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-24-1933
Release 02-17-1953
W0061-88C 7558 Consecutive Box 287 Email Researcher Services at
John Harold Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-03-1927
Release 09-25-1944
W0061-88C 4076 Consecutive Box 167 Email Researcher Services at
Johncox Jacob L. Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-08-1932
Release 01-07-1952
W0061-88C 6957 Consecutive Box 264 Email Researcher Services at
Johnson Austin M. Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 07-14-1929
Release 12-19-1946
W0061-88C 5534 Consecutive Box 208 Email Researcher Services at
Johnson James Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-09-1938
Release 05-28-1960
W0061-88C 10041 Consecutive Box 377 Email Researcher Services at
Johnson Harvey Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-30-1936
Release 10-26-1956
W0061-88C 10360 Consecutive Box 392 Email Researcher Services at
Johnson Charles Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 01-14-1929
Release 06-25-1947
W0061-88C 5535 Consecutive Box 208 Email Researcher Services at
Johnson Robert Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-05-1930
Release 05-08-1950
W0061-88C 5715 Consecutive Box 215 Email Researcher Services at
Johnson Kenneth Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 09-06-1923
Release 06-29-1942
W0061-88C 3078 Consecutive Box 135 Email Researcher Services at
Johnson Francis E. Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-28-1929
Release 12-23-1946
W0061-88C 5536 Consecutive Box 208 Email Researcher Services at
Johnson Arnold Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-07-1924
Release 07-22-1943
W0061-88C 3579 Consecutive Box 153 Email Researcher Services at
Johnson James Joseph Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-23-1922
Release 12-19-1939
W0061-88C 1812 Consecutive Box 83 Email Researcher Services at
Johnson Ebert Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 09-12-1922
Release 01-25-1941
W0061-88C 2495 Consecutive Box 112 Email Researcher Services at
Johnson Morris Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-03-1917
W0061-88C 3 Consecutive Box 1 Email Researcher Services at
Johnson Melvin Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 05-19-1926
Release 05-22-1945
W0061-88C 4257 Consecutive Box 171 Email Researcher Services at
Johnson Charles Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-14-1939
Release 12-24-1958
W0061-88C 10261 Consecutive Box 388 Email Researcher Services at
Johnson Alfonso Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 09-04-1925
W0061-88C 3726 Consecutive Box 158 Email Researcher Services at
Johnson James Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 01-28-1927
Release 07-27-1944
W0061-88C 3899 Consecutive Box 163 Email Researcher Services at
