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Approved Storage Boxes
We accept only standard, cubic-foot boxes (measuring 15"x12"x10") that have shoebox lids and handhold openings. These boxes hold legal and letter-sized records.
Buy only triple corrugated cardboard boxes, as they are the only ones that can support the weight of the records long-term. Boxes from office supply stores such as Staples or Office Max, typically white, are usually one or two ply and thus are too weak and will buckle under the weight.
Preferred Letter/ Legal Size Corrugated File Box are available with State Contract from the New York State Industries for the Disabled (NYSID). For purchase information, go to the NYSID website and search for the term "File Box". You can also contact NYSID directly:
The New York State Industries for the Disabled (NYSID)
155 Washington Avenue, Suite 400
Albany, New York 12210
Phone: (518) 463-9706
Fax: (518) 455-0315.
The State Records Center will accept non-standard boxes only when:
- The size and type of records clearly require the use of non-standard boxes; i.e. maps, blue prints, plans, etc.
- These boxes have the measurements of 6" x 6" x 36" or 8" x 8" x 36".
- Space is available for storing these containers.
Please contact the State Records Center if you are unable to find appropriate boxes.
You may reuse boxes only if they are in good condition and the old information is obscured.