Local history provides such color and depth to an otherwise bland panorama of dates, events and places. It offers unique information and creates a context for regional, state and national history. But what is the documentary basis for excellent local history and what is the local historian’s role in identifying and promoting historical records in a community context? This webinar will explore these questions as they relate to the primary roles of local historians – interpreting the past through research and writing, teaching, organizing, advocacy and historic preservation. We will consider the nature and challenges associated with local records, where they may be located, and options to preserve and make accessible these local treasures. This presentation will be valuable to records management officers, historians, and all those charged with overseeing the rich history of their communities.
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Local Historian’s Role in Identifying and Promoting Historical Records
Intended Audience: Local Governments
Workshop Topic: Historical Records
For more information on this workshop, please contact us at archtrain@nysed.gov.