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Margaret Goertz

Margaret Goertz is a professor of education policy and co-director of the Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE) in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. She has conducted extensive research on state education reform policies, education finance, state teacher policies, state and federal programs for special-needs students, and the implementation of standards-based reform. Her current research interests include the effect of state and federal accountability policies on schools and school districts.

Christopher Cross

Christopher Cross is chairman of Cross & Joftus, LLC, an education policy consulting firm.  From 1994 to 2002, he served as president and chief executive officer of the Council for Basic Education (CBE).  Before joining CBE, Cross served as director of the Education Initiative of The Business Roundtable and as assistant secretary for educational research and improvement in the U.S.

Marguerite Clarke

Marguerite Clarke is a senior education specialist in the Human Development Network of the World Bank.  Previously she held academic appointments at universities in Australia and the United States and worked as a classroom teacher in the Irish and Japanese education systems.  Marguerite’s work focuses on equity and quality issues in education, particularly in relation to the development and use of large-scale testing and accountability systems.  In her current position, she oversees the World Bank’s global initiatives in the area of student lea

Gordon Ambach

Throughout his five-decade career in education administration, Gordon Ambach has been working to strengthen education federalism from both the national and state perspectives.  During the early years, 1956 to 1964, as an intern and later as a legislative specialist in the U.S.

Biographies of Presenters

The States' Impact on Federal Education Policy:
New Perspectives on Research and the Historical Record

Gordon Ambach, executive director, Council of Chief State School Officers, retired

Marguerite Clarke, senior education specialist, The World Bank

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Immigration Control and Reform Act (Ley Federal de Reforma y Control de Inmigración)

La Immigration Control and Reform Act (Ley Federal de Reforma y Control de Inmigración-IRCA por sus siglas en inglés) concedió status legal a millones de inmigrantes ilegales y agricultores migrantes. Además, requería que los patronos verificaren el status de migratorio de todos sus empleados nuevos y establecía multas para patronos quienes contractaron trabajadores ilegales.
