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Facilities Development Corporation

Legislation in 1963 (Chapters 932 and 933) established and specified the functions of the Mental Hygiene Facilities Improvement Fund. The Fund was created as a public benefit corporation to expedite planning, construction, and reconstruction of state hospitals, schools, and other mental hygiene care, maintenance, treatment, and research and training facilities.

Salvage Division

Disruptions to established trade routes during the early years of World War II left America in short supply of such materials as rubber and gasoline, and coordinated efforts to conserve these items were begun in 1941. As the fighting escalated, and with America's entry into the war, the demand increased for items that would be used specifically for the war effort, such as metals, rags, paper, and waste fat. Cut off from usual suppliers, it became clear that the country would have to reclaim the needed materials from used items.


New York State's first constitution in 1777, and subsequent constitutions of 1821, 1846, and 1894, vested supreme executive power and authority in a governor. Colonial precedents for a governor as executive officer were the director general, who administered New Netherland under the Dutch from 1624 to 1664; and the royal governor, who administered the colony under the British until 1776.

War Training, Office of

After the United States entered World War II, civil defense workers and other civilians required specific, accurate training to handle the variety of tasks needed to deal with the possible threats facing New Yorkers. Thus, the Office of War Training was formed on June 15, 1942 to act as a comprehensive service agency for planning statewide civilian training, including the acquisition or production of instructional materials and films. The office also developed and maintained standards for civilian war instruction and assisted in coordinating and supervising all war training programs.

Local District Liaison Unit

New York State Social Services Law, ss.20(d) authorizes the Department of Social Services to supervise local social service districts. Each county represents one district while New York City's five counties are consolidated into a single district. The Local District Liaison Unit serves as the primary contact between the local districts and the Department's various divisions. All directives, policies, regulatory changes, and other information is passed from the Department to local districts through this unit.

Social Welfare, Board of

The Board of Commissioners of Public Charities, established in 1867 (Ch. 951) to visit and inspect public almshouses and all charitable and correctional institutions (except prisons) receiving State aid, was the first State supervisory body to coordinate public welfare programs. Before this, public assistance programs were independently operated by county and town authorities and private agencies. The board consisted of eight gubernatorial appointees, one from each judicial district. The Board was renamed the State Board of Charities in 1873 (Chapter 571).

Committee on Child Care, Development, and Protection

New York businesses alleviated the labor shortage caused by World War II by turning to women, who left their domestic roles to find good wages in defense-related industries. In addition to single women and childless wives, mothers answered the call to work, and their necessity in the work force, combined with the needs of their children, gave rise to state-sponsored child care. The New York State War Council, as part of its duty to ensure an adequate labor supply, recognized the need for child care programs and in 1942 organized the Committee on Child Care, Development, and Protection.

Social Welfare, Department of

The Board of Commissioners of Public Charities, established in 1867 (Ch. 951) to visit and inspect public almshouses and all charitable and correctional institutions (except prisons) receiving State aid, was the first State supervisory body to coordinate public welfare programs. Before this, public assistance programs were independently operated by county and town authorities and private agencies. The board consisted of eight gubernatorial appointees, one from each judicial district. The Board was renamed the State Board of Charities in 1873 (Chapter 571).

Constitutional Convention, Temporary Commission on the

The Temporary State Commission on the Constitutional Convention was created by Chapter 443 of the Laws of 1965. The statute directed the commission to make a comprehensive study of the State Constitution with a view to its revision and simplification. The commission was also directed to collect information that would be useful both to delegates to the 1967 constitutional convention and to the people of the state, who would be charged with ratifying any constitutional changes drafted during the convention.
