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Index to the New York State Supreme Court of Judicature (Utica) Insolvency Papers

Insolvency papers include documents relating to the assignment and sale of property of insolvent debtors who petitioned for relief (voluntary assignment), or the attachment and sale of property of "absconding, concealed, or non-resident debtors" (involuntary assignment). Content of files varies depending on the type of assignment, but most files include petitions, accounts, inventories, affidavits, certificates, and orders.

Date Inclusive: 

Series Number:  J0156

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z                                             Return to the Name Index page

Last Name First Name Role Series Number Location Places Dates For more information
Cornwall Richard Petitioner J0156 Box 4, Folder 63
  • Ontario
Filing 1819-04-07
Email Researcher Services at
Corwin James Jr. Petitioner J0156 Box 4, Folder 64
  • Niagara
Filing 1819-06-01
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Cosset Preserve Petitioner J0156 Box 4, Folder 64
  • Herkimer
  • Frankfort
Filing 1810-07-21
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Covenhoven Asher Petitioner J0156 Box 4, Folder 64
  • Ontario
  • Victor
Filing 1819-03-13
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Cowan Luther Petitioner, Alias J0156 Box 4, Folder 65
  • Oneida
  • Sangerfield
Filing 1808-06-16
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Creighton Peter Petitioner J0156 Box 4, Folder 66
  • Niagara
  • Lockport
Filing 1842-01-06
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Creney James Petitioner J0156 Box 4, Folder 65
  • Broome
  • Chenango
Filing 1840-09-21
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Crocker Benjamin Petitioner J0156 Box 4, Folder 67
  • Ontario
  • Penfield
Filing 1818-11-12
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Crofort Benoni Petitioner J0156 Box 4, Folder 67
  • Ontario
  • Bristol
Filing 1817-09-07
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Crouch David Petitioner J0156 Box 4, Folder 67
  • Herkimer
  • Herkimer
Filing 1809-07-11
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Dana Francis Petitioner J0156 Box 5, Folder 68
  • Oneida
  • Whitestown
Filing 1806-11-22
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Daniels Munson et al. Petitioner J0156 Box 5, Folder 69
  • Erie
  • Buffalo
Filing 1845-02-25
Filing 1839-08-21
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Davis Elijah and Cary, John Petitioner J0156 Box 5, Folder 70
  • Montgomery
  • Charleston
Filing 1833-10-29
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Davis Evan Petitioner J0156 Box 5, Folder 70
  • Oneida
  • Utica
Filing 1818-04-23
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Dean Nathaniel and Summer, John Petitioner J0156 Box 5, Folder 71
  • Oneida
  • Whitestown
Filing 1816-02-07
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Dehons James Petitioner J0156 Box 5, Folder 72
  • Herkimer
  • German Flatts
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Delavan Stephen Petitioner J0156 Box 5, Folder 72
  • Ontario
  • Livonia
Filing 1819-06-28
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Delong James Petitioner J0156 Box 5, Folder 72
  • Herkimer
  • German Flatts
Filing 1820-03-01
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Denham Daniel Petitioner J0156 Box 5, Folder 73
  • Erie
  • Buffalo
Filing 1842-12-05
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Denison Francis Petitioner J0156 Box 5, Folder 74
  • Erie
  • Buffalo
Filing 1842-09-08
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DePree Benjamin Petitioner J0156 Box 5, Folder 75
  • Niagara
  • Lockport
Filing 1845-06-18
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Dibble Asa Petitioner J0156 Box 5, Folder 76
  • Oneida
  • Boonville
Filing 1818-02-02
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Dillingham John Petitioner J0156 Box 5, Folder 76
  • Oneida
  • Rome
Filing 1818-11-02
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Disbrow Zalmon Petitioner J0156 Box 5, Folder 77
  • Ontario
  • Phelps
Filing 1824-11-12
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Dobbin John Petitioner J0156 Box 5, Folder 77
  • Ontario
  • Geneva
Filing 1823-03-12
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