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Selected New Accessions, March 2021

Agency Title Accession Quantity
Department of State. Bureau of Miscellaneous Records 

Letters Patent, 1664-1854 (with gaps) [volumes of photostatic copies]


3.5 cubic feet (8 volumes)

Office of Children and Family Services Office of Youth Development County Files, 2010 18782-21 8 cubic feet
Commission on Quality of Care for the Mentally Disabled Surrogate Decision Making Committee Files, 2010-2011 19576-21 24 cubic feet
Department of Correctional Services Watch Commander's Master Logs, 1985-2009 20037-21 6 cubic feet
New York Colony Court of Chancery Orders and Minutes in Chancery, 1701-1770 J0090-17

0.1 cubic feet (4 microfilm rolls)

State Court of Chancery  Register's and Assistant Register's Minute Books, 1711-1847 JN319-17

0.25 cubic feet (28 microfilm rolls)