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Index to the Coxsackie Correctional Facility inmate case files

Coxsackie Correctional Facility, located in Greene County, N.Y., is a maximum security correctional facility for male felons. Inmate case files describe in great detail the family and social background, arrest, confinement, and release/parole of incarcerated men.

Dates: 1930-1992

Series: W0061

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z                                             Return to the Name Index page

Last Name First Name Role Organization Dates Accretion Number Number Type Location For more information Notation
Rousseau Harold Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-23-1937
Release 05-29-1956
W0061-88C 9433 Consecutive Box 351 Email Researcher Services at
Rowe Delroy Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 03-12-1921
W0061-88C 1339 Consecutive Box 64 Email Researcher Services at
Rowley Kenneth Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 07-17-1917
W0061-88C 5 Consecutive Box 1 Email Researcher Services at
Roy Edmond Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 09-20-1929
Release 09-20-1948
W0061-88C 5539 Consecutive Box 209 Email Researcher Services at
Roy Lionel Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 09-11-1929
Release 01-19-1948
W0061-88C 5874 Consecutive Box 220 Email Researcher Services at
Rozas Paulino Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 03-21-1926
Release 02-21-1945
W0061-88C 4194 Consecutive Box 170 Email Researcher Services at
Rozell Harold Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-09-1919
W0061-88C 556 Consecutive Box 27 Email Researcher Services at
Rozewicz Norman Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-01-1925
Release 10-29-1943
W0061-88C 3689 Consecutive Box 156 Email Researcher Services at
Rozmus Andrew Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-24-1921
W0061-88C 1441 Consecutive Box 68 Email Researcher Services at
Rubel Edward Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 06-05-1930
Release 12-15-1948
W0061-88C 6112 Consecutive Box 228 Email Researcher Services at
Rubert Ronald Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 07-07-1938
Release 02-28-1957
W0061-88C 10184 Consecutive Box 384 Email Researcher Services at
Rubino Charles Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-22-1922
Release 09-17-1940
W0061-88C 2158 Consecutive Box 97 Email Researcher Services at
Rucker Carlton Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 07-26-1917
Release 12-22-1937
W0061-88C 226 Consecutive Box 11 Email Researcher Services at
Rudd Robert Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-12-1932
Release 12-18-1950
W0061-88C 7111 Consecutive Box 271 Email Researcher Services at
Rudder Robert Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-19-1920
W0061-88C 346 Consecutive Box 16 Email Researcher Services at
Rudolphe Erest Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 06-28-1922
Release 05-07-1940
W0061-88C 1896 Consecutive Box 87 Email Researcher Services at
Rudoshko Irwin Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 01-14-1924
Release 06-11-1942
W0061-88C 2798 Consecutive Box 124 Email Researcher Services at
Rudzik Frank Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-04-1918
W0061-88C 201 Consecutive Box 10 Email Researcher Services at
Ruggiero William Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-22-1930
Release 06-14-1950
W0061-88C 6245 Consecutive Box 234 Email Researcher Services at
Ruggiero Anthony Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-22-1919
W0061-88C 64 Consecutive Box 3 Email Researcher Services at
Ruiz Victor M. Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 05-07-1924
Release 07-25-1942
W0061-88C 3080 Consecutive Box 135 Email Researcher Services at
Ruiz Vincent Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 07-18-1920
Release 10-18-1939
W0061-88C 1721 Consecutive Box 79 Email Researcher Services at
Rumanowski Edward Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-25-1920
Release 03-01-1939
W0061-88C 1341 Consecutive Box 64 Email Researcher Services at
Rumianowski Hilary Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Release 05-19-1939
W0061-88C 1246 Consecutive Box 60 Email Researcher Services at
Rumph James Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-22-1928
Release 09-08-1948
W0061-88C 6277 Consecutive Box 235 Email Researcher Services at
Rundle Peter Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-28-1923
Release 09-02-1941
W0061-88C 2703 Consecutive Box 120 Email Researcher Services at
Rundle Charles Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-23-1929
Release 04-04-1950
W0061-88C 6992 Consecutive Box 266 Email Researcher Services at
Runyon John Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-09-1927
Release 01-20-1945
W0061-88C 4189 Consecutive Box 170 Email Researcher Services at
Runyon Robert Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-04-1928
Release 02-20-1950
W0061-88C 6887 Consecutive Box 261 Email Researcher Services at
Ruppel Paul Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-04-1924
Release 12-16-1943
W0061-88C 3161 Consecutive Box 138 Email Researcher Services at
Ruppert Robert Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 05-27-1924
Release 03-19-1942
W0061-88C 2880 Consecutive Box 127 Email Researcher Services at
Ruscitto Peter Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-22-1931
Release 01-06-1949
W0061-88C 6325 Consecutive Box 237 Email Researcher Services at
Rushmore Donald Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 03-04-1927
Release 02-21-1945
W0061-88C 4074 Consecutive Box 167 Email Researcher Services at
Russ George Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-22-1925
Release 10-19-1943
W0061-88C 3808 Consecutive Box 160 Email Researcher Services at
Russ James Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 09-07-1929
Release 09-15-1950
W0061-88C 6580 Consecutive Box 248 Email Researcher Services at
Russel Delbert Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 09-15-1929
Release 04-10-1947
W0061-88C 5302 Consecutive Box 201 Email Researcher Services at
Russell Robert Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-28-1926
Release 03-18-1943
W0061-88C 3502 Consecutive Box 151 Email Researcher Services at
Russell Frank Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 05-22-1924
Release 12-22-1941
W0061-88C 2658 Consecutive Box 119 Email Researcher Services at
Russell Frank Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 06-20-1938
Release 10-22-1957
W0061-88C 10002 Consecutive Box 376 Email Researcher Services at
Russell Charles Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-05-1923
Release 04-11-1940
W0061-88C 2089 Consecutive Box 95 Email Researcher Services at
Russell Jay Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-04-1932
Release 03-21-1952
W0061-88C 7712 Consecutive Box 293 Email Researcher Services at
Russo Sebastian Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-20-1926
Release 06-29-1943
W0061-88C 3614 Consecutive Box 154 Email Researcher Services at
Russo Anthony T. Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-15-1928
Release 12-22-1947
W0061-88C 5836 Consecutive Box 219 Email Researcher Services at
Russo Joseph Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 09-19-1926
Release 06-29-1943
W0061-88C 3775 Consecutive Box 159 Email Researcher Services at
Rutkowski Frank Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 06-01-1921
Release 04-08-1939
W0061-88C 1424 Consecutive Box 67 Email Researcher Services at
Rutkowski John Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 09-06-1931
Release 03-23-1949
W0061-88C 6560 Consecutive Box 247 Email Researcher Services at
Rutledge Smith Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-17-1922
Release 01-09-1940
W0061-88C 1793 Consecutive Box 83 Email Researcher Services at
Ryals Walter Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-23-1931
Release 12-07-1951
W0061-88C 6911 Consecutive Box 262 Email Researcher Services at
Ryan Edward Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-04-1922
Release 11-03-1941
W0061-88C 2680 Consecutive Box 120 Email Researcher Services at
Ryan Robert J. Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-10-1932
Release 06-26-1953
W0061-88C 7552 Consecutive Box 287 Email Researcher Services at
