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Index to the Coxsackie Correctional Facility inmate case files

Coxsackie Correctional Facility, located in Greene County, N.Y., is a maximum security correctional facility for male felons. Inmate case files describe in great detail the family and social background, arrest, confinement, and release/parole of incarcerated men.

Dates: 1930-1992

Series: W0061

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z                                             Return to the Name Index page

Last Name First Name Role Organization Dates Accretion Number Number Type Location For more information Notation
Thompson George Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-23-1932
Release 01-21-1953
W0061-88C 7488 Consecutive Box 285 Email Researcher Services at
Thompson Herbert Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-11-1929
Release 05-24-1949
W0061-88C 6096 Consecutive Box 227 Email Researcher Services at
Thompson Lloyd Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-08-1923
Release 03-23-1942
W0061-88C 2956 Consecutive Box 131 Email Researcher Services at
Thompson Allen Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-07-1927
Release 02-21-1945
W0061-88C 4113 Consecutive Box 168 Email Researcher Services at
Thompson Ray Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 05-13-1936
Release 01-18-1956
W0061-88C 9360 Consecutive Box 349 Email Researcher Services at
Thompson Jack Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-15-1918
W0061-88C 231 Consecutive Box 11 Email Researcher Services at
Thompson Richard Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 03-21-1922
Release 12-21-1939
W0061-88C 1747 Consecutive Box 80 Email Researcher Services at
Thompson James Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-05-1931
Release 10-19-1950
W0061-88C 6482 Consecutive Box 243 Email Researcher Services at
Thompson Donald Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-02-1918
Release 08-20-1938
W0061-88C 702 Consecutive Box 34 Email Researcher Services at
Thornton Francis Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-20-1932
Release 06-19-1952
W0061-88C 7567 Consecutive Box 288 Email Researcher Services at
Thornton Alfred Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-11-1922
Release 05-14-1942
W0061-88C 2839 Consecutive Box 126 Email Researcher Services at
Thornwell William Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-29-1923
Release 12-22-1941
W0061-88C 2805 Consecutive Box 124 Email Researcher Services at
Thorpe Norman Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 01-01-1930
Release 04-12-1948
W0061-88C 6211 Consecutive Box 232 Email Researcher Services at
Thorpe Austin Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-06-1926
Release 06-22-1943
W0061-88C 3520 Consecutive Box 151 Email Researcher Services at
Thorpes William Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 06-03-1919
W0061-88C 135 Consecutive Box 7 Email Researcher Services at
Thurston Carlton Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-23-1935
Release 02-15-1955
W0061-88C 8330 Consecutive Box 315 Email Researcher Services at
Tiedgen John Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 01-18-1926
Release 02-21-1945
W0061-88C 4303 Consecutive Box 173 Email Researcher Services at
Tierney Arthur Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 01-27-1932
Release 06-22-1951
W0061-88C 7186 Consecutive Box 274 Email Researcher Services at
Tierney John Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth See #4697
W0061-88C 4036 Consecutive Box 166 Email Researcher Services at
Tierson Adrien Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-14-1931
Release 07-26-1950
W0061-88C 7188 Consecutive Box 274 Email Researcher Services at
Tilken Henry Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 09-23-1931
Release 11-17-1951
W0061-88C 6845 Consecutive Box 259 Email Researcher Services at
Tillman Leroy Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 08-06-1936
Release 03-06-1957
W0061-88C 10264 Consecutive Box 388 Email Researcher Services at
Tills Frank Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-13-1925
W0061-88C 3826 Consecutive Box 161 Email Researcher Services at
Timarco James Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 05-16-1922
Release 11-06-1941
W0061-88C 2362 Consecutive Box 106 Email Researcher Services at
Timmons Thomas Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-22-1924
Release 02-02-1943
W0061-88C 2975 Consecutive Box 131 Email Researcher Services at
Tine Hugo Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-24-1919
W0061-88C 482 Consecutive Box 23 Email Researcher Services at
Tinnerello Dominick Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Release 07-15-1939
W0061-88C 1571 Consecutive Box 73 Email Researcher Services at
Tinney Paul W. Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 06-26-1924
Release 12-15-1941
W0061-88C 2762 Consecutive Box 122 Email Researcher Services at
Tisdall George Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-17-1929
Release 08-21-1947
W0061-88C 5596 Consecutive Box 211 Email Researcher Services at
Tiska Irving Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 03-13-1923
Release 03-10-1941
W0061-88C 2424 Consecutive Box 109 Email Researcher Services at
Titcomb Frederick Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-25-1918
W0061-88C 418 Consecutive Box 20 Email Researcher Services at
Titok Alexander Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 06-07-1923
Release 07-01-1941
W0061-88C 2483 Consecutive Box 111 Email Researcher Services at
Tobin Francis Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-03-1932
Release 04-22-1952
W0061-88C 7667 Consecutive Box 291 Email Researcher Services at
Tobolsky Martin Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-27-1921
Release 10-25-1939
W0061-88C 1711 Consecutive Box 79 Email Researcher Services at
Toczylowski Edmund Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-30-1922
Release 12-16-1940
W0061-88C 2274 Consecutive Box 102 Email Researcher Services at
Todd Elliott Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-11-1923
W0061-88C 3169 Consecutive Box 139 Email Researcher Services at
Todzia Edward Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-12-1919
Release 10-04-1938
W0061-88C 1097 Consecutive Box 53 Email Researcher Services at
Tokash Peter Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-08-1921
Release 05-27-1939
W0061-88C 1513 Consecutive Box 71 Email Researcher Services at
Tokus Norman Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 04-30-1925
Release 11-25-1944
W0061-88C 3121 Consecutive Box 137 Email Researcher Services at
Toland William L. Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 01-12-1928
Release 10-30-1948
W0061-88C 5211 Consecutive Box 198 Email Researcher Services at
Tolbert Ernest Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-15-1936
Release 07-02-1957
W0061-88C 9379 Consecutive Box 349 Email Researcher Services at
Tolone Peter Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 11-02-1922
W0061-88C 2184 Consecutive Box 98 Email Researcher Services at
Tomack Herman Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 06-22-1932
Release 07-10-1952
W0061-88C 7644 Consecutive Box 290 Email Researcher Services at
Tomarrazzo Peter Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-04-1920
Release 05-14-1938
W0061-88C 780 Consecutive Box 38 Email Researcher Services at
Tomassi Armand Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 06-20-1922
Release 11-13-1941
W0061-88C 2582 Consecutive Box 115 Email Researcher Services at
Tompkins Charles Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 05-15-1922
Release 08-18-1941
W0061-88C 2610 Consecutive Box 116 Email Researcher Services at
Tompkins Francis Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 10-30-1930
Release 09-30-1950
W0061-88C 6613 Consecutive Box 249 Email Researcher Services at
Toney William Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 02-27-1938
Release 04-28-1960
W0061-88C 9976 Consecutive Box 374 Email Researcher Services at
Toohy James Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 12-29-1925
W0061-88C 3653 Consecutive Box 155 Email Researcher Services at
Toomey Howard Incarcerated Individual New York State Vocational Institution Birth 05-03-1923
Release 12-15-1941
W0061-88C 2994 Consecutive Box 132 Email Researcher Services at
