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Index to the Elmira Correctional Facility inmate case files

Elmira Correctional Facility, located in Chemung County, N.Y., is a maximum security correctional facility for male felons. Inmate case files describe in great detail the family and social background, arrest, confinement, and release/parole of incarcerated men.

This index identifies the inmate by last name, consecutive number, birth date and release date.  The inmate's first name is not available.  Therefore, the last name and consecutive number is required to identify individual inmates.  If you do not have the consecutive number please contact us at for further information.

Dates: 1993-2002

Series: W0018

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z                                             Return to the Name Index page

Last Name First Name Role Organization Dates Accretion Number Number Type Location For more information Notation
Gicola Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 06-21-1948
Birth 02-17-1927
W0018-88A 48710 Consecutive Box 46 Email Researcher Services at
Gierz Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility W0018-88A 30452 Consecutive Box 133 Email Researcher Services at
Gigante P. Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 11-24-1934
W0018-88A 36991 Consecutive Box 157 Email Researcher Services at
Gigante Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility W0018-88A 32659 Consecutive Box 141 Email Researcher Services at
Gigillo J. Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Birth 10-15-1911
W0018-88A 38227 Consecutive Box 162 Email Researcher Services at
Giglio Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Birth 04-30-1910
W0018-88A 36359 Consecutive Box 154 Email Researcher Services at
Giglio Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 02-18-1929
W0018-88A 34138 Consecutive Box 147 Email Researcher Services at
Giglio Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 11-20-1934
W0018-88A 39573 Consecutive Box 168 Email Researcher Services at
Gigliotti Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Birth 08-26-1908
W0018-88A 35353 Consecutive Box 150 Email Researcher Services at
Gilardi Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility W0018-88A 32018 Consecutive Box 139 Email Researcher Services at
Gilbault Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 08-21-1940
W0018-88A 44106 Consecutive Box 191 Email Researcher Services at
Gilbert W. Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 02-07-1950
Birth 12-24-1928
W0018-88A 49131 Consecutive Box 200 Email Researcher Services at
Gilbert L. Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 10-03-1938
W0018-88A 42350 Consecutive Box 181 Email Researcher Services at
Gilbert Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 09-24-198
W0018-88A 34108 Consecutive Box 147 Email Researcher Services at
Gilbert Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release Disch. 09-29-1936
W0018-88A 40078 Consecutive Box 171 Email Researcher Services at
Gilbo Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility W0018-88A 41449 Consecutive Box 178 Email Researcher Services at
Gilchrist R. Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 05-12-1939
Birth 07-20-1918
W0018-88A 42904 Consecutive Box 184 Email Researcher Services at
Gilchrist Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 10-26-1948
Birth 03-08-1929
W0018-88A 48462 Consecutive Box 42 Email Researcher Services at
Gilchrist Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 04-21-1930
W0018-88A 35193 Consecutive Box 149 Email Researcher Services at
Gildersleave Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 12-06-1950
Birth 07-08-1928
W0018-88A 50254 Consecutive Box 72 Email Researcher Services at
Gilinski Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Birth 11-19-1904
W0018-88A 35865 Consecutive Box 152 Email Researcher Services at
Gilinsky Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility W0018-88A 31644 Consecutive Box 138 Email Researcher Services at
Gill Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 01-05-1951
Birth 11-25-1927
W0018-88A 48108 Consecutive Box 37 Email Researcher Services at
Gill Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 02-21-1950
Birth 11-11-1929
W0018-88A 48723 Consecutive Box 46 Email Researcher Services at
Gill Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 05-05-1927
W0018-88A 33198 Consecutive Box 143 Email Researcher Services at
Gill Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 04-20-1928
W0018-88A 33283 Consecutive Box 144 Email Researcher Services at
Gill Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 02-21-1935
W0018-88A 40264 Consecutive Box 172 Email Researcher Services at
Gill Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 11-24-1937
W0018-88A 41021 Consecutive Box 176 Email Researcher Services at
Gill Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 06-28-1940
W0018-88A 43949 Consecutive Box 190 Email Researcher Services at
Gill Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release Disch. 05-13-1942
W0018-88A 41329 Consecutive Box 177 Email Researcher Services at
Gill Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility W0018-88A 30797 Consecutive Box 134 Email Researcher Services at
Gillespie Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 05-16-1930
Birth 10-24-1905
W0018-88A 35589 Consecutive Box 151 Email Researcher Services at
Gillespie Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 12-13-1950
Birth 04-15-1929
W0018-88A 49439 Consecutive Box 58 Email Researcher Services at
Gillespie Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility W0018-88A 46955 Consecutive Box 199 Email Researcher Services at
Gillett Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 11-23-1934
W0018-88A 40136 Consecutive Box 171 Email Researcher Services at
Gillett Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility W0018-88A 30137 Consecutive Box 132 Email Researcher Services at
Gillett Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility W0018-88A 31999 Consecutive Box 139 Email Researcher Services at
Gillette Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 11-26-1947
Birth 09-12-1922
W0018-88A 45919 Consecutive Box 7 Email Researcher Services at
Gillette Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 03-01-1927
W0018-88A 33027 Consecutive Box 143 Email Researcher Services at
Gillette Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 05-31-1934
W0018-88A 39594 Consecutive Box 168 Email Researcher Services at
Gilliam Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 09-04-1951
Birth 12-02-1927
W0018-88A 50514 Consecutive Box 77 Email Researcher Services at
Gilligan Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 03-30-1942
W0018-88A 39514 Consecutive Box 168 Email Researcher Services at
Gillio Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 06-27-1934
W0018-88A 34954 Consecutive Box 149 Email Researcher Services at
Gillis J. Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 08-03-1932
Birth 12-17-1907
W0018-88A 38101 Consecutive Box 161 Email Researcher Services at
Gillis Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 08-11-1937
Birth 06-22-1910
W0018-88A 38095 Consecutive Box 161 Email Researcher Services at
Gillispie Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 03-30-1934
W0018-88A 39453 Consecutive Box 168 Email Researcher Services at
Gillory Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility W0018-88A 35162 Consecutive Box 149 Email Researcher Services at
Gillow Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Birth 03-05-1911
W0018-88A 35595 Consecutive Box 151 Email Researcher Services at
Gillow Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 05-03-1937
W0018-88A 41569 Consecutive Box 179 Email Researcher Services at
Gilly Incarcerated Individual Elmira Correctional Facility Release 07-29-1932
Birth 05-25-1911
W0018-88A 37287 Consecutive Box 158 Email Researcher Services at
