The Office of Business Permits was established in 1978 (Chapter 770) to maintain and provide information on business related permits and licenses. The agency was reconstituted in 1984 (Chapter 698) as the Office of Business Permits and Regulatory Assistance and expanded its authority to include the review of State agency rule making procedures. The Laws of 1987, Chapter 610 further expanded the agency's duties to include helping to ensure that State agencies do not impose requirements that constitute rules without complying with the rule making process under the State Administrative Procedures Act. The office is assisted by an Advisory Council consisting of the secretary to the governor ex officio and 10 members appointed by the governor.
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Business Permits and Regulatory Assistance maintains and provides comprehensive State license and permit information to new and expanding businesses. The office also reviews proposed State agency regulations to ensure compliance with the State Administrative Procedures Act. Further, the office is charged with helping to ensure that State agencies do not impose requirements that constitute rules without complying with the rule making process under the State Administrative Procedures Act. Through Executive Orders, the office is directed to ensure that the State's administrative hearing system operates in an impartial, efficient and timely manner; review existing State regulations affecting the business community with the goal of reducing unnecessary regulatory burdens; and reduce the State's paperwork burden on itself, business and the public.
L.1978, Ch. 770; L. 1984, Ch. 698; L. 1987, Ch. 610.