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Environmental Enforcement, Division of

The Division of Environmental Enforcement (DEE) was created in the late 1970s as a "strike force" to deal with the enforcement of laws on hazardous waste disposal. It has three main responsibilities: oversee and coordinate enforcement of environmental statues and regulations by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), regional offices, and the Division of Law Enforcement; advise and assist in administrative and judicial enforcement proceedings against violators of the Environmental Conservation Law (ECL), associated regulations, DEC permits, and consent orders; as well as negotiate, prepare and finalize orders on consent, by which violators of laws regarding hazardous waste handling, storage, transportation, and disposal agree to carry out and pay for remedial action in order to avoid litigation or prosecution. The DEE is organized into three bureaus: the Compliance Bureau, which advises other DEC divisions and offices in enforcement cases in addition to developing enforcement policies and programs; the Technical Services Bureau, which provides technical advice to attorneys preparing orders on consent in addition to monitoring on-going inactive hazardous waste disposal investigations; and the Solid and Hazardous Waste Enforcement Bureau, which handles inactive hazardous waste disposal administrative cases in addition to handling hazardous and solid waste enforcement cases of state-wide significance.

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