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Committee on Rehabilitation

The Board was created by Laws of 1956, Chapter 191 as a demonstration project with a four-year lifespan. Its function was to plan and develop new health and mental health programs in which two or more state agencies had direct concern. Its members were the Commissioners of Health, Social Welfare, Mental Hygiene, Education, Labor, and Corrections; the chairs of the Youth Commission, Board of Parole, and Workmen's Compensation Board; and the Executive Director of the Joint Hospital Survey and Planning Commission. The Board's mandate specified development of programs for alcoholism, mental retardation, rehabilitation, and services for emotionally disturbed children and the aged. Additional responsibilities were added through legislative action, Executive Chamber request, outside agencies' requests, and Board members' initiatives. They included narcotic addiction, health and welfare aspects of housing, dental health services, health education and health-cost financing for the aged, demonstration centers for mental retardation diagnosis and parent counselling, and studies of chiropractic licensing, orthoptic technician standards, and "Baby nurse" training programs in New York City. The Board functioned through annually appointed committees which prepared comprehensive reports on state programs in specific service areas, recommended studies and demonstration projects, reviewed other studies and projects, and provided the resources of its members for Board activities. The Board also was authorized to enter contracts for studies and to create short-term advisory committees. An executive staff headed by a director operated from Department of Health offices. In 1960, following the recommendations of the Temporary State Commission on Coordination of State Activities, Governor Rockefeller issued Executive Order #1, replacing the IHRB with the Interdepartmental Health and Hospital Council. The IHRB's program functions were transferred to the Departments of Health and Mental Hygiene.

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