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Executive Director's Office

On October 14, 1981, Governor Carey announced the formation of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Centennial Commission for the purpose of planning a statewide and national commemoration for the centennial of Roosevelt's birth and the fiftieth anniversary of his first presidential election. Arthur Schlesinger, Pulitzer prize winning author and Roosevelt biographer, headed the 80-member commission and Fredrica S. Goodman served as its Executive Director. Activities planned for the 1982 celebration included: dedication of the FDR State Park; symposium at the Century Club; conference at the United Nations; Hudson River Valley conference; Hofstra University conference; conference on the New Deal and the arts; Central Labor Council conference; memorial service at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine; a traveling education exhibit; essay contest; special concert; Broadway tribute; presentation of Freedom Medals; issuance of commemorative postage stamp, poster and centennial books; and other conferences, lectures, dinners, and parades.

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