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Public Integrity, Commission on

The New York State Commission on Public Integrity was established by the Public Employee Ethics Reform Act of 2007 to insure compliance with the ethical standards that public officials and lobbyists must observe in order to ensure public trust and confidence in government. The 2007 Act transferred all powers, duties, functions and staff of the New York Temporary State Commission on Lobbying and the New York State Ethics Commission to the Commission on Public Integrity, which is charged with administering and enforcing the State's ethics and lobbying laws as well as the State's anti-nepotism law and laws pertaining to certain political activities and improper influence. Established within the Department of State, the Public Integrity Commission consists of thirteen members. The seven members of the commission are appointed by the governor, one member is appointed by each of the following: the comptroller, the attorney general, the temporary president of the senate, the assembly speaker, and the minority leaders of the senate and the assembly. Of the seven members appointed by the governor no more than four members can belong to the same political party and no members shall be public officers or employees or hold any public office, elected or appointed. Members of the commission serve for terms of five years. The governor designates the chairman of the commission. In 2011, the Joint Commission on Public Ethics ("JCOPE") replaced the Commission on Public Integrity pursuant to the Public Integrity Reform Act (L. 2011, Ch. 399).

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The New York State Commission on Public Integrity insures compliance with the State's existing ethics and lobbying laws including filing of required disclosures by Statewide elected officials, Executive Branch officers and employees, as well as lobbyists, lobbying clients and public benefit corporations. These laws seek to prevent conflicts of interest, encourage ethical behavior and promote transparency. The Commission also provides information, education and advice regarding current ethics and lobbying laws, and promotes compliance by adopting rules and regulations, reviewing financial disclosure statements, auditing registration statements, receiving complaints and referrals alleging violations of laws, conducting investigations and hearings, imposing civil penalties, making referrals to other oversight bodies, advising agencies of the State in establishing rules and regulations, rendering advisory opinions on the requirements of the law, and conducting training programs.