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The Developmental Disabilities Planning Council was created by a law of 1981 (Chapter 588) to perform the functions and duties required by the Federal Developmental Disabilities Services and Facilities Construction Act of 1970, the Federal Developmentally Disabled Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 1975, and the Federal Rehabilitation Comprehensive Services and Developmental Disabilities amendments of 1978. In 1983, the governor expanded the council's responsibilities to include planning and directing the basic grants program formerly monitored by the Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. The council consists of at least twenty gubernatorial appointees representing State and local governments, academic institutions, non-governmental agencies, advocacy organizations, and the developmentally disabled population. The council has standing committees on adult issues, systems change and community education, and children's issues. The Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities is the DDPC's administering agency, assisting it with activities such as personnel and contract management.

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The Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (DDPC) assists and protects the welfare of New York State residents with developmental disabilities. The council serves this function by preparing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the State plan for the developmentally disabled; analyzing other New York State plans for possible impact on persons with developmental disabilities; collecting, analyzing, and commenting to the federal government on data concerning the status of public policy issues affecting the developmentally disabled; coordinating State and local service providers to increase the productivity, independence, and integration into the community of persons with developmental disabilities; and supervising a program of grants for facilities and organizations connected with the care and treatment of the developmentally disabled. In its State plan, the council must provide for elimination of inappropriate placement in institutions of persons with developmental disabilities; early screening, diagnosis, and evaluation of developmentally disabled infants and preschool children; counseling, program coordination, protective services, and other services for developmentally disabled adults; support for non-institutional, community programs for the care and habilitation of the developmentally disabled; protection of human rights of all developmentally disabled persons receiving treatment, services, or habilitation; utilization of all available community resources including volunteer services; and other requirements specified by federal law.