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Hudson-Fulton-Champlain Quadricentennial Commission

In 2001 (Chapter 590), the Hudson-Fulton-Champlain Quadricentennial Act created a commission to plan and develop the 400th anniversary celebrations of the voyages of discovery made by Henry Hudson and Samuel de Champlain, as well as the 200th anniversary of Robert Fulton's steamship voyage along the Hudson River. The Act declared: "This celebration should be statewide, involving all the people of the state, as well as reaching well beyond the borders of the state through imaginative and innovative programs, events, exhibits and new and expanded facilities and marketing to engage the people of the nation and from all parts of the world." Furthermore, it declared that the 400th anniversaries and the years preceding them offered great opportunities to inspire and educate - particularly the young people of the state; to increase recognition and appreciation of the Hudson River and Lake Champlain and the diverse communities that developed along the Hudson River and Lake Champlain over four centuries; and to develop a thriving natural and cultural tourism economy. The Commission, among other activities, coordinated round table forums to seek public input; coordinated efforts of civic, education, cultural, and heritage organizations to generate public interest and involvement; promoted educational outreach programs, media, and technology to draw national and international attention to the Quadricentennial; coordinated the planning of commemorative events for communities along the Hudson River, Lake Champlain, and other interested communities around the state; coordinated and promoted non-governmental meetings, conferences, seminars, and conventions using the Quadricentennial as a theme; sought funding from private individuals, foundations, and corporations to help support capital improvements, preservation, and conservation needs associated with events commemorating the Quadricentennial; coordinated and cooperated with State entities and tourism promotion agencies; and coordinated and cooperated with local, state, and federal entities created to participate in the planning of the Quadricentennial anniversary.

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