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Joint Legislative Committee to Investigate Public Utilities


In 1934, the Legislature created the Joint Legislative Committee to Investigate Public Utilities (Concurrent Resolution, April 20, 1934). Responding to public demand for an investigation of public utility companies operating in New York, the legislature established the Committee to examine the organization, operation, financing, rate structure, and other phases of gas and electric service and to recommended remedial legislation where necessary. The Committee focused its investigation on issues of rate structure and public utility securities while also examining such concerns as political activity of utility companies, lobbying by utility concerns, holdings of securities of public utilities by banks and investment companies, and rural electrification. The Committee examined utility company records, gathered information about public utilities in other states, and held hearings to collect information from interested parties. The Committee's final report to the legislature in February 1936 outlined recommendations for improving service and lowering gas and electric rates for customers of public utilities in New York.