The New York State Archives holds only a few hundred naturalization documents. All were performed by the higher state courts operating before 1847: the Supreme Court of Judicature (at terms held in Albany, ca. 1799-1812, and in Utica, ca. 1830-38) (record series J5011, J9013); and the Court of Chancery (mostly during the period ca. 1830-47 in the court's fifth, sixth, and eighth circuits, located in central and western New York) (J1061).
Also in the State Archives are county clerks' reports of persons naturalized in New York County (specifically the portion of the county comprising the First Judicial District, including Manhattan Island but excluding future Bronx County), 1896-1906 (series B0078); Kings County (Brooklyn), 1897-1900 (series B0079); and Erie County (including Buffalo), 1896 only (series B0080). These reports are arranged by year, then by name of person naturalized. The only personal information given is name, address, and date of naturalization.
These naturalization records and reports in the State Archives are not indexed, and Archives staff will not search them for individual names unless the name of person and the date, place, and court of naturalization are specified.